Barley Spec Sheet

Learn more about the general specifications on 6 row and 2 row barley in this spec sheet from our sponsoring organization, North Dakota Barley Council.

Barley’s Super Health Benefits

Low in calories and high in fiber, barley is packed with vitamins and nutrients making it a super healthy food to consume. Check out all the super health benefits barley has to offer in the article from Facty Health.—Search—Health-Benefits-of-Barley&gclid=Cj0KCQjwg7KJBhDyARIsAHrAXaFQzfXPTruymvuQzJOu9_iT48aY2Y3PYjwm7joRdj80JGE-3MmfGv0aAvcvEALw_wcB

Facts About Hulled Barley

Hulled barley is both health beneficial and great at keeping you full longer. Learn more health and nutrition facts about hulled barley in this article from the Dr. Oz Show!

Benefits of Barley Grass Juice

Barley grass is also health beneficial for human consumption, just like barley grains! Learn more about why you should drink barley grass juice and the benefits of it in this article from NDTV Food.

Barley vs. Wheat

Barley and wheat may look similar at a quick glance, but there are two very different crops! Read more about the differences between barley and wheat in this article from Farm & Animals.