Think Barley would not be possible without our sponsoring organizations. These organizations are dedicated to sharing barley resources to educate others, so let’s get to know them! Meet Steve Edwardson, Executive Administrator for the North Dakota Barley Council.

Tell me a little bit about your position at the North Dakota Barley Council
I serve as the Executive Administrator for the Barley Council and am responsible for administrating the steps necessary to assist the board of directors in completing the mission of the organization.
The North Dakota Barley Council represents approximately 3,200 barley producers in North Dakota. The Barley Council funds research projects (e. g. variety development, plant pathology, and procurement risk) that enhance barley production for growers. In addition, the Barley Council implements domestic and international market development programs to promote the sale and utilization of North Dakota barley in malting and brewing, pet food, and human food applications.
Why did you decide to sponsor Think Barley?
Think Barley is an important component in promoting the utilization of barley in food ingredients. This small but growing market ultimately provides an additional market outlet for growers. Providing technical information on food barley assists buyers in utilizing the product and provides a mechanism for buyers to further understand the importance of barley as a food ingredient.
Many thanks to the Northern Crops Institute for their creativity in promoting food barley utilization via Think Barley.
What do you want people to know about Think Barley?
Think Barley should be a premier location for understanding the sourcing, functionality, and application of barley as a food ingredient.
Where would you like to see Think Barley in the future?
Hopefully the amount of technical information and related resources for procurement of food barley as ingredient will continue to increase on the Think Barley site, thus providing a comprehensive educational center for barley ingredient utilization.